Monday, September 14, 2015

Blog post 2

“We do not really see with our eyes or hear through our ears, but through our beliefs.”

Based on my passed experiences, I have learned that what we see and hear on a daily basis, is not always what we believe in. Personal beliefs become a part of us by the way we are raised. We start out by thinking like our parents, but eventually start to formulate our own beliefs. 

In a classroom setting, it is important for a teacher to promote and enforce respect. Every student has been raised differently, therefore has formulated their own beliefs. It is important for a kid to feel comfortable in their classroom setting. The best way for this to happen is through a teacher demonstrating an open mindset towards all beliefs. 

In school, students learn more than what they see written on the board and what they hear during lessons. Teaching is much more than math, science, or history. Teachers can be role models for their students outside of the classroom. Kids are constantly learning through their observations of how adults act. A teacher is one adult that kids see everyday, which makes it that much more important for teachers to stick to their moral beliefs. 

In my future teaching career, I will apply my Catholic faith in my actions everyday in the classroom. Although this would not require any extra effort from me, because I already strive to live this way everyday. For example, I would strongly enforce the idea of treating others how you want to be treated. 

In conclusion, we live our daily lives in reflection to what we believe in. Our teaching will influence the students we have to see and hear the world through their own beliefs. 

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